Saturday, September 19, 2009

Not my fault I brought it with me.

Went to visit the Temple of Apollo and the Oracle at Delphi today. It was raining almost the entire trip there, especially since we were going up into the mountains. My uncle said it never rains in September, so he blamed its atypical presence on his niece from San Francisco. But light rain on humid days in Greece actually make my trip that much more enjoyable.

Sadly, this was not witnessed.

Me in my quasi-conspicuously low-cut tank top that I regret wearing, but the weather was surprisingly very pleasant even in the rain and gloomy skies.

Stormtrooping the Treasury of Athens

I wish I could show you a picture that depicts the enormously grand scale of this place, but I'll show you this gorges (HA!) picture instead. (Click on it, it's widescreen and awesome)

What this place was supposed to look like. Like you see in the picture above, it's not exactly the most accessible place in the world. But it's the sheer triumph of human will that built these places.

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